Shout out dewgong for resisting iron bundle’s moves
Bad Pokemon with good movepools? Let me tell you a tragic story
So we have a Pokémon, this Pokémon has powerfull STAB options like brave bird, triple axel, ice beam, freeze dry, blizzard or air slash, this stab combo lets it kill mons like lando, gliscor (on singles), rillaboom or amoonguss (in doubles)
Does it have no coverage? Nope, it gets drill run that smacks the type that resists your STAB combo and gives you that amazing ice + ground, as well as other options like gunk shot to destroy fairies or future sight to put some pressure on switch ins
Does it do anything other than attack? Yes, it has great support moves for BOTH singles and doubles, things like defog or rapid spin for hazard control, destiny bond to trade, spikes, fake out, tailwind, helping hand, haze or foul play
Abilities? Not ideal but not terrible, vital spirit makes it inmune to spore from amoongus and hustle while risky gives it a huge damage output
So what’s the mon? DELIBIRD, YES DELIBIRD
does shedinja count?
I don’t know if this applies to doubles but in singles there are Pokemon that have coverage moves but often go mono/only STAB attacking either having defensive roles or they boost and sweep. For example in singles we have Suicune which for a long time went Surf/Scald, Calm Mind/Roar, RestTalk. There is also Annihilape which can rarely uses its vast coverage since it can boost and sweep with its STAB moves.
i think sableye is the poster boy of good pokemon with bad stats and good movepool. that thing has an abysmal stat spread, but some of the craziest support potential out there (in doubles) because of prankster and nearly every support move in the game. encore, will-o-wisp, confuse ray, fake out, recover, thunder wave, disable, knock off, snarl, icy wind, sunny day, rain dance, reflect, light screen, skill swap, imprison, taunt, trick, helping hand, pain split, gravity, and even more. if there is a supportive task that needs done, sableye can probably do it.
I know you mentioned excluding tera blast from the coverage options, but I think in Serperior’s case it warrants an exception, it can use the usually terrible stellar tera blast to get a boost to both offenses and as a guaranteed option for some damage since it can’t be resisted
Gen 1 Gengar deserves a shoutout. It has NO stab moves and has to rely on tbolt , psychic and night shade for damage but it is still a great pokemon because it it is a ghost type
thanks for the video
5:10 yeah then at that point you might as well run leech life which is STAB and self recovery. it does guarenteed 2hko in this scenario