

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
I haven’t really made many bad mistakes, but a few mistakes that come to mind are forgetting to use a star piece at the end of a GBL season… twice, and leveling my Jirachi up past 1500cp (before they implemented multi-level and level previewing) but I guess you can’t really blame me for not knowing about 3rd party apps and software that could calculate my level-ups. And maybe making the unwise decision to spend coins on max revives during Primal Kyogre raids instead of getting my butt off the couch and spinning stops…
My Sceptile still gets panick attacks whenever the word “Blizzard” is within earshot.
One day when I was super tired, I accidentally transferred my only shiny shadow Bulbasaur. 🙁
I got a shadow shiny politoad and a shadow shiny tediursa when I was a noob and I purified them
I had accidentally (fat fingered) purified my 90% shadow mewtwo. I was so mad I deleted it due to I had invested so much assets into it.
You’ve done a great job calling out Niantic for their bad choices, now it’s time to call out players who tank in GBL especially for Battle Day. It’s not right and it’s long past time someone start saying it.
My biggest mistake was Purifying my shadow mewtwo that I caught from Giovanni when he had mewtwo recently. And I was powering it up and accidentally hit purify. It was my first mewtwo. It was upsetting
i purified a 98% shadow beedrill and now its a purified hundo
Purified my shadow 93 marowak with the moveset so I had to use an elite tm once more to get it on the reg hundo
Hi Brandon, I am from Hong Kong, I want to know where you will play the slowpoke community day?