

I always kinda thought of the Lass and Youngster as siblings too. Like the Lass taking her little brother out in the field to catch Pokémon because her mother told her to go with the Youngster. She wasn’t into it at first because Pokémon Training is for nerds, but she gets into it and now enjoys going out with her brother.
Does anyone else think Lass is a weird name for these group of trainers though? I don’t know, maybe I don’t see the word Lass used basically at all outside of Pokémon games it feels very old timey which is so weird for a group of very young trainers
Fun fact! In Japanese the Lass class is simply called “skirt” which is why in the Japanese anime opening there’s the joke about looking in the lass’s skirt for Pokemon (“skatto no naka,” the line in question, means “in a skirt” but because it’s also the name for the lass class it also means “in [that] lass”)
Shoutout to the HGSS Lass, who’s (one of) the only Lass with shorter hair.
“They’re not meant to be striking or beautiful.” Meanwhile, I’m losing my mind at how consistently cute the lasses are.
I have beef with the ORAS lasses because one stalled me out with a Shroomish before Rustboro.
I wonder if the lass seeming older than the youngster is meant to reference the idea that young girls mature faster than young boys
Eng , Jap , eng.
Lass , shoujo , young girl.
Youngster , shounen , young boy.
I don’t know if it’s right
The Lassie is classie
I always found the whole part of 6 thing pretty unrealistic cuz the feeding bills aren’t gonna be anything pretty. I feel like only hardcore trainers aiming to become champions and fight the elite 4 would go so far. The Lass/(whatever a male counterpart would be) trainer class is what I feel most people would be from a realistic view