META DESTROYERとは、ポケモンカードゲームのトーナメントで使用される使い勝手の良いデッキのことです。このデッキは、10戦全勝を目指した場合に最適な構成となっており、メタゲームに対応することができる強力な構築となっています。
総じて、META DESTROYERは相手のデッキを破壊し、自分の勝利をもたらすことができる強力なデッキです。しかし、戦略やコンボの組み立てを正確に把握してこそその真価を発揮できるため、トーナメント参加前にはしっかりと練習を積んでおくことが重要です。
7:02 if you attached to moltres you would’ve also threatened to end the game next turn as well if he didnt draw another pokemon or serperior, and it wouldve also gotten you out of the tricky situations later on in that game
4:29 esse cara de mewtwo só perdeu porque ele jogou errado, era só recuar o mewtwo ex e bater com o mew ex, vc ia ter que matar o mew ex dele com seu arcanine e depois ele te finaliza com o mewtwo.
I really think the charizard is necessary to beat those Gyarados deck, we’ll see plenty of those later since they destroy both Mewtwo and Celebi and you can’t beat them with Mew without rng. Running only arcanine and Mew is good against Celebi and Mewtwo (if you have giovanni), but it seems way too weak against Pidgeot and Gyarados. It might be the most ex user tho, Mew ex, char ex, arcanine ex, moltres ex lmao, but i feel better with those charizard and mew backup for a few match-up like M2.
Yeah idk executor ex walls this deck
Tried this couple of times, smashed it. Very nice thank you for sharing.
Really don’t know how this deck went 10-0 when starmie decks destroy it easily.
how do you play in these tournaments
Currently on a 16-0 run in the emblem event…. I couldn’t get past 4 wins durning the last streak event so…. The game is to RNG heavy. Without about a ranking system it’s hard to tell how good a deck is. We legit need a WCS style system.
Is flareon good in this meta?
can u make a deck with Volcarona ?