*Just to be clear this video is not to point fingers at any one group in particular. We all add to the craze, myself included. However I have to say scalpers who are buying out all the preorders for the newest sets and products and immediately listing them for 3-4x price is a huge problem. The simple fact is whether you are a collector, investor, content creator, rip and shipper, player, ect the supply is just not enough to meet all demand right now. I wanted to make this video in hopes that it would help get the word out that Pokemon really needs to up their printing capacity so that average collectors and players can get the packs and cards in their hands and not have to pay 3-4x msrp. it’s a huge problem for the hobby and if left like this for long enough could be a disaster for the tcg as a whole.*
*Also I will be also be doing a big Prismatic Evolutions pack stream where I’ll be offering the packs for normal msrp to subscribers. Unfortunately allocations for this set were cut significantly but I will stock as many as I possibly can for you guys. Thank you all for being apart of this community*
People might enjoy this hobby more if they shifted their focus to other collecting goals. For my part, I have a National Pokedex collection (just one of every Pokemon) that is very cheap to collect. I also have an SIR collection but I build that slowly and don’t focus on monetary value, I focus on cards I think are aesthetically pleasing. If you’re breaking packs looking for expensive cards, you’re gambling, and there are few things in this world you can do with your money that’s riskier and more prone to failure than gambling. Don’t gamble. Have realistic goals. Don’t be a dummy and pay 3x or 5x over MSRP for cardboard.
Every video that’s posted by YouTubers like yourself, pull a card and get over dramatic about that pull whether it’s a $5 card or the top pull of the set. It brings hype to the hobby, also attracts new people to the hobby. In a way blame yourself in a way. My opinion Pokemon is printing out a lot, we are getting items every 2-3 weeks. Scalpers can only scalp if they are allowed to. Where’s the rule to allow 1 item per person. Let’s blame these big stores like Walmart, target & etc. Another, Let’s blame distribution. You think distribution isn’t playing a part in all this holding product and giving some to LGS. Then selling it for more money to the rippers that stream on tiktok and Whatnot. Idk how you get your product, but if you getting your product from a distributor early, then you are part of the problem. Any YouTuber showing off their collection and talks about investing is part of the problem. Like Come on with this bullshit.
Thanks for thoughts Rev!
Come on Rev, you did the same thing to build wealth. Players can buy cheap packs still, but they want the valuable stuff and the new flashy set. You are one of the biggest Pokémon investors in the hobby, and that is okay to admit.
For me i think a lot of the issue falls with retailers not controlling sales to prevent bots and allowing people to buy as much as they want when pre releases go live. I almost think that for those that want more than one or two of a product there should be a required explanation for the purchase to prevent abuse. In the uk some online retailers dont get the hobby and the scalping, its just about bottom line sell as fast as you can. Ive been collecting with my son since he got into it about 4 years ago but the stress of finding product is making me think its not worth it anymore. Real shame.
I’m a 100% agree with you !
I just want to be able to buy my groceries and a pack or two so I have something to look forward to when I get home! I love collecting and just wish there was SOMETHING available on the shelf every once in a while.
I concur Rev that scalpers with bots are affecting the hobby negatively. Best thing is to be patient.
We’ve seen this with playstations and all other manor of items now and i think the real solution is to make scalping illegal, tie bulk purchases like this to mobile phone numbers or something extremely difficult to fake like a social security number (obviously not that but something of a similar nature), and force these scalpers to jump through every hurdle possible to bulk buy, i dont mind spending 5-10 minutes verifying and validating my purchase as long as it means some selfish knob cant pull one over on actual fans trying to make a quick buck