- views:5【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
hopefully this food i got out of the dairy queen dumpster will restore 1/16th of my health
To be fair, it’s an rpg. If something looks like it can be interacted with, you do it. Worst case, it’s a trap, best case, it’s a key item for a sidequest. Sometimes you get lore drops, and sometimes the protagonist just yells “Barrel!”
FRLG the cans on the SS Anne have berries in them
Every Bulky mons’ must-have item.
In Gen 2-3, Leftovers were everywhere, even to the frail sweepers
This video is so true and relatable I can not have one trash can unchecked
“It’s the TM for puke!”
Imagine if there was a trash dump area in the games
Imagine throwing your lunch away only for a trainer to dumpster dive right after it.