Your not alone on not using your daily adventure incense on a daily basis I quit doing mine on daily basis and it was because I got tired of the disappointment I’ve seen all 3 Galarian birds but haven’t caught a single 1 just during the Valentine’s day event I had my first encounter with Galarian Zapdos as for Galarian Moltres and Galarian Articuno I’ve seen them multiple times the lowest Galarian bird I’ve seen was a 712(if I remember correctly) Galarian Moltres and even at that cp I wasn’t able to catch it I don’t remember when I saw it but it was during an evening daily adventure incense but I have gotten some cool stuff but it just got to a point where anything cool I got was just running it was then that I quit doing my daily adventure incense on a daily basis sometimes I even go weeks without doing my daily adventure incense
I see multiple galar birds a week, and sometimes more than one per day. What the fuck is the secret to catch them?
daily incense birds are a joke.
I literally caught Azelf lastnight!!!!!
I used the incense everyday for 2 months straight and saw 2 birds with 0 catch
And primal kyogre or groudon
What Is better rayguazaa or kyogre or groudon
stop bitching lmao
I have maybe missed 10 days of incense. Four legendary birds, haven’t seen one in a long time. I believe they might be tied to certain locations as all of our encounters are on the same two streets and we have only caught them with critical catches, never a three shake catch.