Wanna improve pogo? Stop oromoting the wayfarer app and just do so qe can freaking noninates spots in the game weee playing instead at some other terribly useless game.
The secret is that they way you do it is overwhelming amd uttwerly stupid.
First you need another account. Another freaking game. I have so many places tjat i could nominate but this is pure hell going threw so why bother unless they makr it part of the pogo experince. Shameless markwting of their imferiour game is what it is. If niantics programmers are this messy sure would wanna tidy up in their offices omg.
Thanks for the vid, Billy!!
Don’t forget you can appeal rejections. I’ve done more than 2000 reviews on Wayfinder and I am painstaking in my efforts to confirm location, validity, and more, so it bothers me to no end when a submission of mine gets rejected because the reviewer as either lazy (“location does not exist”… except it’s a park that appears in the photo, street view, AND satellite photos) or they just reject everything. I’ve appealed five rejections and all were later approved. The problem I have with the system is the S cells. There is one MASSIVE s-cell that my apartment and 8 other large apartment complexes fall into, as well as three small parks, a temple, and other objects of interest (not to mention a million signboards, which are all the rage now). We get one stop. That’s it. Down the road the s-cells form a grid pattern one-tenth the size of the one I’m in, for no discernible reason — maybe a couple of houses per cell, whereas more than 3000 people live in our single cell. I’ve had six stops approved in my area and only one has appeared in the next cell. Quite frustrating when some people have numerous stops and gyms within each of home (and even call the gyms they “home gyms”) when you have to don your jacket and brave the elements just to spin one or join a raid directly.
What is the website to seen the grinds on maps
rural Player: “Sounds good, Doesn’t work”
Pls Niantic add a feature that us player’s can have a temporary PokeStop for a limited time in a day cuz in my area none and it’s isolated
A couple things:
1) Show the POI in the secondary photo. That helps the reviewer reconcile the location.
2) Look into IITC. That’s a resource that allows you to overlay existing Wayspots on top of an S2 cell map. That’s probably an entire video itself, but it’s an invaluable tool for the serious Wayfarer.
Awesome video, man!
And no matter what you do, even a perfect stop will be declined for nonsensical reasons, cause it’s easier to get a good Wayfairer grade by declining. People mostly grade stops, cause they want the boost for their own submission, so they just roll through, decline everything and get their matches.
So prepare to hand in every stop a few times, even if it’s a playground or a church.