- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
Also any pokemon under 50000 CP can be done with 4 people I’m so tired of people leaving At the last minute if you’re going to leave early
I used spoofing to get my pokemon
lets hope niantic doesn’t see this and fixes these glitches. lol
Automatic trading works on all sorts of devices. Both phones each just need an auto clicker and you have to get the timing right.
I have a arm band for my phone and just wack off for a hour bam 12k eggs done
Spoofers dont work hard for their collection. They’re playing a different game entirely. A random pidgey caught regularly is more impressive than a spoofed shundo
spoofing isnt an exploit, its straight up a hack
Assuming the people that you leave in the raid don’t leave, that backout and come back move will be game changing for me. I usually have more friends online and lament that I can’t invite more than 5.
really annoying i cant get more pokecoins for free by grinding