
- views:8【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる

My favourite Alakazam moment has been one-shotting Venusaur, the biggest tank in the game. 4 energies on him, plus Giovanni, 190 damage exactly XD
So the disclaimer I’d like to make is that you can pronounce pokemon names however you want, but the joke behind Elgyem’s name is that it’s supposed to be L.G.M. for “Little Green Man”.
Nice deck, played ten games with this deck and only lost 2/10 to misty coin flips lol
I always waiting your new update deck..
13:21 I’m totally building a dark-type deck around the Honchkrow we’ve seen..(I still don’t have a dark-type deck)
I’m also excited for whatever metal Pokémon we get and the new fossils
Every single deck can win
i hope they release new kadabra in future with less energy cost attack..
Deck: Fetch’aKadabra
You nailed it with your last Alakazam deck. It’s perfect. Until more cards are added, I believe it’s the best version.
From what I’ve heard, Elgyeem is meant to be pronounced like “El-Gee-Em” to match the acronym LGM- Little Green Men, because it’s an alien. Similarly, the evolution is BEM (I think), also as a reference to aliens.