

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
I’m so excited. I’ve wanted a shiny flabebe forever. STOKED.
Did anyone build a Lokix for Ultra League?
Its a Meh, not into pvp I prefer raiding and Max battles. Already platinum medal for show cases, almost at 300 at this point.
Others will like it and good for them. I will take it easy and make sure I have enough items for LA go tour event.
Nymble was the first ever shiny I got in scarlet and violet it only makes sense that I go for that shiny now but what really lack luster is February comday which is karablast and shellor lmao.
I’m excited for Flabebe. Hopefully I can get enough candies to finally max out my Florges.
Now this is an event I will play to get the new shiny. This is why I play. I was never able to get the shiny sandygast and I played every single day hard, but maybe I can get the nymble at least.
My opinion is with the masses, boring event. You just get a Pokemon that’s a different color. Who cares. I like strong Pokemon that are good in raids. I throw shinnies in the trash!
I just came back to the game after a long break and I’ve already seen them release shiny smoliv and sandygast in the wild. Do you really expect them more often than that?
It’s a new event so how is it underrated your a idiot and I hope no one listens to you and if someone does there as stupid as you are
Too bad Rattata isn’t featured. Getting a bunch of xxs would have helped with badge