Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
This EVIL Vikavolt Item Lock Deck Got STRONGER With Pokemon GO! New Zapdos PTCGO
This EVIL Vikavolt Item Lock Deck Got STRONGER With Pokemon GO! New Zapdos PTCGO
Got Dialga from GBL reward in Pokémon Go#pokemon#pokemongo#gaming
ダイマックスサンダーやってみた!【ポケモンGO】 #ポケモンgo
はい?ナイアンよ、本気で言ってます??? 【ポケモンGO】
ポケGOガチ勢の一日『家出るとき編』 #ポケモンgo #ポケgo #pokemon #ポケモン #あるある #はっちゃんねる #はつだ #ハリー
Live Dialga Raids | Pokémon Go | Yagnik009
【ポケモンGO】図鑑が新しくなっていました #ポケモン #ポケモンgo
I like disruptive and control decks because you slow the pace down and dictate how things go. You don’t always have to OHKO or do a ton of damage to get your win condition. A lot of people overlook that you get free wins just by being annoying or if your opponent doesn’t want to deal with you. Case in point, I use a deck that has 4 Miltanks, 1 Kangaskhan with Rally back, Manaphy, Rowlet, Applin/Flapple and just ping damage on the would be Miltank counters or Bird Keeper my Rowlet/Barraskewda whatever and take out the non-V cards or annoying Sobbles, whatever leaving my Miltanks and whatever V’s my opponent is left with, free wins all day. Force your opponent to change up their tactics and you already have the edge.
Hey little dark fury you still looking for a good deck for conkeldurr v?
Plakia with articuno???!!!
Yes I came to a similar conclusion as well. Vikavolt is the only lightning attacker to combo with.
love when people try to play crobat while a path is in play lmaooo
Ur a really cool YouTuber.
Vikavolt is a pretty cool deck! I’d like to see you play with it more.
I tried this exact deck out a few times and it’s not good. It loses against shitty decks and miltank for sure. It needs a few changes…see if i can make it viable.
I just played a match with you lol you were using your Mewtwo deck I was using mew lol