Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
This is who is still playing Pokemon Go in 2025 #shorts #gaming
This is who is still playing Pokemon Go in 2025 #shorts #gaming
2025年にはまだポケモンGOをプレイしているのはこんな人々です。#ショート #ゲーム
This is who is still playing Pokemon Go in 2025 #shorts #gaming
Community day special background timed research pokemongo #ポケモンgo #pokemon #pokemongo #fieldresearch
『ポケモンGO』で色違いゾロアを探せ!GOツアーイッシュ編 #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #ポケgo #ポケモンgo色違い
【スーパーリーグ】新環境でもモルペコは強い!!【ポケモンGO】【GOバトルリーグ】#ポケモンgo #Pokémongo
Evolua e Ganhe XP! Roselia Shiny no Pokémon GO • Hora do Holofote
My area’s local con was shutdown indefinitely because the organizer was cheating on his wife with the organizer of the area’s Pokémon Go club. When the news broke he canceled the con, refused to refund vendors who had already paid for spots, and he went into hiding. Eventually he went to jail over it and very few vendors got their money back (as far as I know).
115 million… no wonder publishers and their stakeholders are rabid for live service.
Fun to play on campus. Met a few of my friends this way.
Pikmin Bloom is much betta
I’ve been playing Pokémon since it first debuted in the US. The main reason I picked up GO (and still periodically play it) is because until a couple of years ago, I have not gotten a Shiny in a single Pokémon game I’ve played. Haven’t even come across a single one. For the longest time, I could only seem to get them in GO, so I’d port them over to the main games.
I know Shinies aren’t better or worse stat wise than any other Pokémon, but I had FOMO, dammit.
the fomo killed it for me
I still play Pokemon Go and have fun with it still
Between Solitaire and Pokémon Go, Polygon isn’t beating the “my 60 year old mother” allegations.
It’s so cool that you met -TCNick3- Piplup!
why are asian women so wildly fearful of the sun? “oh no! the sun! better put on a hat and a toe length dress and carry around an umbrella” btw masks DO NOT protect against anything