「Triumphant Light (Mini-Set)」は、「ポケモンカードゲームポケット」の最新の追加セットです。その中で、優れたデッキを作るためのカードがいくつか登場しています。今回は、その中でも特に強力な5つのデッキを紹介します。
1. Zeraora/Vikavolt Deck
2. Rapid Strike Urshifu Deck
3. Shadow Rider Calyrex Deck
4. Single Strike Urshifu Deck
5. Arceus Deck
以上が、Triumphant Light (Mini-Set)の中でも特に優れた5つのデッキの紹介です。どのデッキも特定のタイプや戦略に依存せず、多彩なカードを組み合わせているため、自分好みのデッキを組むことができます。ぜひ、自分に合ったデッキを見つけて、ポケモンカードゲームポケットをより楽しんでみてください。
For the last deck, I never thought of using one Nosepass, so I will implement that. however 4 tools for three Pokémon is interesting to say the least, so I run 2 potions instead of the rocky helmets, because surviving is the name of the game for Probopass EX, and it survives nearly anything the first hit with Adaman + Cape (except Charizard EX, but no one does. What does anyone else think?
I love Galade ex. Galade was also what I chose for my Ralts evo, back in the day. My first Pokemon game was actually Diamond, however (I legit thought they were kids games, until I was older and discovered the battling scene) so I think we got the Ralts Evo’s in one of the GBA games, right? I remember there being like 3 versions you could evolve it into, one being Galade and one being Gardevoir… Was it just 2? I can’t remember the 3rd.
I have 2 x Galade rainbow cards though, and they might be my favourite art from the set.
I played a water energy deck, with grass types (and a manaphee) was a great deck. Has so much healing. I was also using The Eggs that an ramp themselves up, and the Psychic Eggs from mythical island, too. This meant I had 2 ways to get grass energy out there, also (as was a Leafeon ex deck)
Where are these “tournaments” everyone keeps talking about?
I’d like to call it the Arecus and Dialga deck, the father-son duo, but that’s just me. That Arceus, Crobat and Heatran deck is pretty interesting might give it a shot. Great video!
This game is already dead everyone just uses water with misty and manapy or some sort of magezone deck it’s lame and boring
I use a variation of the dialga and arceus deck. I call it Heaven’s Judgement.
New 1 retreat promo nosepass fixes everything
I’ve been running that Gallade deck since the card came out! It’s always been great, and does so well against these energy hungry basics