オープン ウルトラ リーグは、ポケモンGOのPvPモードのひとつで、プレイヤーは2500 CP以下のポケモンを使ってバトルを行います。このリーグにはさまざまな強力なチームが存在しており、その中でも特に優れたチームがいくつかあります。ここでは、私が個人的に注目するトップチームを紹介します。
1. ギラティナ (アラOLAのすがた)、ティタノーガ (オリジンフォルム)
2. ギラティナ (オリジンフォルム)、グラードン、ルカリオ
3. ゴウカザル、ギルガルド、ミュウツー (アーマー)
I love your advice and videos. My only issue is I can only get some of these top performers to 2300 as I don’t have enough XL candy. What should I do?
Can anything at all replace cradilly? Who has a hundo cradilly and enough XL candies.. I wanna use my #2 shadow dusknoir but it’s hard to put it in a team
The malamar forrestres team sounds super fun, and two of my favorites. But I’m soooo behind on xl candy for them. I have a rank one forrestress as well, but maybe 20 xl candy, so hopefully it’s still good in two years.
Dragapult seems very underrated
Kakuna is the best mon
I use perfect anialape perfec flareepn perfect arous is that a. Good team
So for golisopod, coballion, lapras team i want x-scissor and aqua jet on golis?
I pair my shadow Typhlosion with G-Moltres as well. Two great minds think alike I suppose? I use a dragon as a safe swap to bait out any fairy, ice, or steel mon, which Typhlosion destroys. Once theyre gone Moltres can easily sweep, and Ty is also amazing for grabbing shields so you can brave bird freely. I used Goodra last season with draco meteor, because everyone expects a cheap move like aqua tail and they never shield, you can often flip switch. I think Moltres will be better this season because of all the psywave users, especially in the first couple of days when everyone is trying out all the new stuff. Looking forward to the Best League this season
Damn this man is fast with content, just the thing I was looking for.