Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Trump needs to make Pokemon cards illegal..
Trump needs to make Pokemon cards illegal..
【公式】Netflix「ポケモンコンシェルジュ」第1話 | 3月9日(日)まで配信
『ポケポケ』このカードが完全支配 ミカルゲ ダークライ デッキ This Card Completely Dominated the Game! Pokemon Pocket #shorts
【ポケモン】ディアパルが復権するには特性なんとかすればいける? #ポケモン #反応集
ポケモンセンターオンライン産 クリムゾンヘイズ 3パック開封 #ポケモンカード #ポケモンカード25周年 #ポケカ25周年 #ポケモン #ポケモンsv #ポケカ #pokemon
is this 151? LMAO
I started casually collecting the 151 set when it came out just for the nostalgia and something to do with my daughter. Then people started getting crazy like this and being some real scumbags about it. Made me stop.
Limit 1 per membership
Just off the bat imagine the the black market value
Prismatic Evolutions is a very expensive collectors set. Product is selling for five time msrp and the pulls are horrendous. Some of the “good” cards are being listes for over a thousand dollars. No way I’m getting involved in any of that
The way you solve this is with vouchers.
I sold computer hardware in the 2010s and here’s what we did.
You’d print out vouchers for each item that you had in stock and had everyone line up outside before you open. Right before opening you’d hand out vouchers to the people in line, in order, so they reserve what they wanted until all the vouchers were handed out. All of the sale items were behind the counter so the only way to get them was to trade a voucher at the cash for the item as it was being paid for. At 12pm any remaining items that people got a voucher for but didn’t buy would be available in the same way for people in a second line inside the store. No pushing or shoving or fighting because before you even opened you knew what you were getting.
Pokemon go to the polls – killary Killin
the problem is the collectors and gamblers buying from the scalpers. If scalpers can’t sell them then they’re stuck with giant boxes and credit card debt lmao
15:35 – You know what? At least they’re not buying those funkos based off the potential value of a f-king piece of cardboard.
At least with Funkos, you know what you’re getting, even though I despise them myself.