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Ultimate Trading Guide(究極のトレーディングガイド)は、ポケモンカードゲームをプレイする人々がトレーディングを行う際に参考にできる詳細な情報がまとめられたガイドブックです。このガイドは、プレーヤーがどのようにカードを交換するか、カードの価値を判断する方法、トレーディングを行う上での注意点など、さまざまなトレーディングのアスペクトを網羅しています。
Forgot to link my discord! here you go Discord here
If you have doubles will trading one of those cards allow you to keep one as well or is dumb and it wipes out all your duplicates
I received an offer for Arcanine in my trades from a friend.
I declined because I am trying to save these tokens.
I am glad that I watched this video before I made a mistake and used up all of my tokens.
This game is for rich people.
WHY ARE YOU all complaining. Even as F2P this is great. First 500 points for free. And you can get heeps more. This is not a feature to trade all the cards, but the few you are missing!! I allready traded 5 cards for the 5 stam we got. And waiting for stam to grade more. All 2 Diamond cards are free to trade as well. Where IS the chill people.
This trading system is absolute trash, in my opinion. It needs to be adjusted. No reason you should have to destroy several cards, to trade a card. Especially when there are cooldowns involved also. Just absolutely goofy.
Would I recover my tokens if i terminate a trade?
the fact its like for like really makes the inability to trade 2,f 3, and crown styar dupes idiotic
i hate it
Thanks for the info my guy
Can’t trade promos?