ポケモンGOのCommunity Dayである「CHESTNAUGHT前に視聴してください」のイベントは、エッグ(卵)が12キロメートル歩いたら入手できるチェストナット(ポケモンの名前)がたくさん手に入るチャンスです!これはとても貴重な機会ですので、ぜひゲットできるよう頑張りましょう!


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ポケモンGOのCommunity Dayである「CHESTNAUGHT前に視聴してください」のイベントは、エッグ(卵)が12キロメートル歩いたら入手できるチェストナット(ポケモンの名前)がたくさん手に入るチャンスです!これはとても貴重な機会ですので、ぜひゲットできるよう頑張りましょう!
Wait – I have a male and a female Krookodile… how did that happen?
wow, had no idea the female sandile was the only one that can evolve. I’ve had one for months 😛 hoping for an inkay or archen! a shiny chespin would be great too 🙂
Damn just recycled garbage
Just use SmackDown
Thanks for the update!
When they buff smack down in 2 seasons this will be OP
I hatched my first female 1 yesterday Fort I’d never get 1
My first Salandit was also a hundo male. The excitement followed by the the slight disappointment was real
I loved using Chestnaut a year plus ago. In GL it was fun as hell then. With FP its gonna be even more fun. He’s like a squirrel that wished he was a ninja turtle.