ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
私たちは見つけました!クリスマスのきらめきを捕まえました!ガラルのサンダー! さらに、ギャラルポケモンのお正月きらめきも!(ポケモンGO)
Jt I’m not even kidding, when you decided to open packs on tcg pocket I opened one and some how managed to get the rainbow rare aerodactyl ex
750 mill, active daily
5262 0165 4242
I got hundo backround tynamo from those com day research
Did you have a great Christmas?
JT Valor somehow I got extremely lucky and got the shiny Cetoddle on the very first raid. Now I just need one more to complete the set.
I got a boosted shiny galarian Zapdos on Christmas day , used 20 ultra balls to catch it
Keep opening packs at the end of your videos ! Too good