1996年に発売された『ポケットモンスター 赤・緑』は、当時の子どもたちに大きな話題を呼びました。新しい世界観とキャラクター、独特な育成システムが楽しめるとあって、多くの子どもたちに熱狂的な人気を集めました。
それでも、『ポケットモンスター 赤・緑』はポケモンブームの牽引役となったことや、今でも多くのファンに愛され続けていることから、初代ポケモンゲームは「あんなによかった」という評価を得ているのではないかと思われます。
Gen 2 was peak.
short answer yes i play them to this day. end of story. charmander is easy as the others. i defeat brock no problem with a lvl 12-13 charmander which is easy to grind. also misty with mega punch on charmeleon
Silver is the best for me, because I haven’t played Crystal.
Yes!!! dafuq? lol
I wish they would make a new Pokémon game in the old top down style. The newer 3d games just don’t do it for me. Tried Sword, got bored quickly. Same thing with Scarlett. But I fired Leaf Green up on my Anbernic and couldn’t put it down.
I was 15 when gold and silver came out. I loved it. It was a great time to be into pokemon. And seeing a legendary on the cover was very special. Definitely made picking the game more fun.
Chikorita is the cutest gen 2 starter and I will die on this hill.
Everyone that picks Charmander knows that you just catch a nidoran and level it till it learns double kick then waffle stomp Brock with it.
Crystal is just so special to me, I’ve easily clocked more hours in that than any other Pokemon game.