Yeah… not me forgetting the spotlight hour and remembering it 6 hrs later-
tiny DITTO new record (xxs) 0.68kg / 0.15m. LETS GOOOOO!!! (JUST CAUGHT!)
Brandon tan please make a video addressing the cheap pokecoins using android. It’s not fair that I have to pay $1 for 1 raid while other people only have to pay 14 cents for 100 coins
i skipped it was not hyped about this
I have a ? B ok I’m a top player lvl 37 and with the new change I’m not doing goood at all with the new updates. And got some ok ivs
And tell Niantic to have our buddy pets stop giving us goddamn stupid souvenirs that are of worthless use in the actual game.
missed spotlight servers were down in my area, sad.
Don’t use the non-daily incense, all you get is shitspawns.
And I missed it! Finished work at 6 too and completely forgot it was Tuesday