Catching shiny yveltal on his return to pokemon go

Catching shiny yveltal on his return to pokemon go

Shiny Yveltal is a legendary Pokémon from the popular game franchise, Pokémon. It is a dark and flying type Pokémon and is often depicted as a deity of destruction. Recently, Yveltal was reintroduced as a Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, and trainers have been eagerly looking for a way to catch a shiny version of this powerful Pokémon.

A shiny Pokémon is a rare and highly sought-after variation of a regular Pokémon, with its colors and appearance differing from the normal version. In the case of shiny Yveltal, its dark grey and red coloration is replaced with a striking black and gold color scheme.

To catch a shiny Yveltal, trainers must participate in and defeat Yveltal in Raid Battles. Raid Battles are cooperative multiplayer battles where trainers team up to take down a powerful Pokémon. Upon successfully defeating the Raid Boss, trainers have a chance to encounter a shiny Yveltal.

The chances of encountering a shiny Yveltal are quite low, making it a difficult catch. However, some trainers use various strategies such as using a Golden Razz Berry or throwing an excellent curveball to increase their chances of catching a shiny Yveltal.

Once caught, a shiny Yveltal can be added to a trainer’s collection and used in battles, raids, and gym battles. Its unique and rare appearance makes it a desirable addition to any team. So, trainers, get ready to brave through Raid Battles and try your luck at catching a shiny Yveltal on its return to Pokémon Go. Good luck!
