Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Diggersby GROUNDS LANTURN and STEEL in Great League | Team Building | Pokemon GO Battle League
Diggersby GROUNDS LANTURN and STEEL in Great League | Team Building | Pokemon GO Battle League
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【GOバトルリーグ】ハイパーリーグ開幕!! 環境調査!!
【ポケモンGO】新カップで真価を発揮する圧倒的火力のドクロッグが神ポケすぎたwwwwwwwww(かけじくカップ)#ポケモンgo #goバトルリーグ #pokemongo #shorts
Live Pikachu with Kurta Raids | Pokémon Go | Yagnik009
ポケモンGO チラーミィ色違い #pokemongo #pokemongozacianinmasterleague #色違い
ポケモンGO売却が正式決定!これから一体どうなるんだ!?今日から〇〇を絶対意識!写真10回もお忘れなく!【 ポケモンGO 】【 GOバトルリーグ 】【 GBL 】【 ナイアン 】【 スコープリー 】
While I understand why this meta would suck for more seasoned players… I’m liking it a lot as a relatively new player… the biggest problem with having sabeleye and lickitung being the best safe swaps is that they’re not accessible due to XL candy (and return)… I feel like this is the first time I’ve had a chance in Great league b/c there are a bunch of meta teams that don’t require a ton XL candy… the last two seasons I was stuck at the low 2100s, but this season I’m sitting around 2600…
best league rn is UL.. hands down
I’m done with this stupid game. 5 straight seasons at veteran and I can get past 2200’s. I was 52 points away and dropped back down. Game is shitty!
Diggersby is so fun to use
The fire punches come so quick on diggersby
Instead pf sableye could I run trev?
i am currently on a huge winstreak in gl with a triple safe swap team. i was getting rpsed so much but then i tried this and went 22-3 the first day playing it and gained 300 rating
in other words, everyone got used to on relying on broken safe swaps like sable and licki, which are able to flip switch with a little bit of energy lead or at least take shield advantage on the secondary matchup against their hardcounters… and now they have to find a new way to play and they don’t like it…
Diggersby is such a fun and bulky Pokemon 🙂
Im running this team but azumaril hydropump/playrough instead of pelipper and its doing great