Every Pokémon league team members ace in the main series games (I’m not including the player characters like Red because most of us have different teams)
Lorelei (Let’s go): Lapras (In other Kanto games her Lapras and Jynx are same level)
Bruno: Machamp
Agatha: Gengar
Lance: Dragonite
Blue(your rival) (mostly): Starter strong against yours
(Yellow): Eeveelutions (I can’t remember the method to fight which of them)
Trace(Let’s go rival): Mega Pidgeot
Bruno and Lance are the same
Will: Xatu
Koga: Crobat
Karen (mostly): Houndoom
(HGSS rematch): Umbreon
Sidney: Absol (Mega evolve in ORAS rematch)
Phoebe (mostly): Dusclops (evolve in ORAS)
(ORAS rematch): Mega Sableye
Glacia (mostly): Walrein
(ORAS rematch): Mega Glalie
Drake: Salamance (Mega evolve in ORAS rematch)
Steven: Metagross (Mega in ORAS)
Wallace: Milotic
Aaron: Drapion
Bertha (mostly): Hippowdon
(Platinum): Ryperior
Flint (mostly): Infernape
(Platinum): Magmortar
Lucian (mostly): Bronzong
(Platinum): Gallade
Cynthia: Garchomp
Shauntal: Chandelure
Grimsley: Bisharp
Caitlin (mostly): Gothitelle
(B2W2 challenge mode): Metagross
Marshal (BW): Mienshao
(B2W2): Conkeldurr
Alder: Volcarona
Iris: Haxorous
Siebold: Barbaracle
Malva: Talonflame
Wikstorm: Aegislash
Drasna: Noivern
Hala (SM): Crabominable
Molayne (USUM): Alolan Dugtrio
Olivia: Midnight Lycanroc
Acelora: Palossand
Kahili: Tucanon
Kukui(SM): Starter strong against yours
Hau(USUM): Starter weak against yours
Leon: G-max Charlizard
I’m not including Mustard and Peony since they only appear in DLC and they are no longer champions also I’m talking only Leon because apparently he is the only league member not including Rose since there are no elite four in Galar and the league challenger are the same characters with some changes like gym leaders team mostly change, Marnie’s ace change from Morpeko to Grimmsnarl, Bede is now gym leader and Nessa’s Drednaw is now G-max.
Lucian’s ace is gallade. Isn’t it?
There’s more to Alola
Siebold’s ace mega blastoise and drasna’s mage altaria
Siebold’s ace isn’t mega blastoise ?
This list is wrong
Why is Bruno both in Kanto and Johto? Plus Lance
Rata² type pokemon nya psychic ground rock ghost fire berarti type yg di atas kuat² dong
Malwas ace should be houndoom
Blue has charizard in some canons