- views:3【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
I got a shundo Kyurem after only 11 encounters. It was also my first ever shundo
Mega Salamence where??
5590 8921 0928 | anyone wants to add me as a friend. I need a friend to complete special researches
Yay another episode of BraggingTan91.
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I got a shundo Entei from my last raid of the 3h event on Jul 2019 and a Zekrom on my second raid after the shiny release on Dec 2021. I only have 3 more shundos in my collection. One Salamance from commday, a Galarian Stunfisk from a timed research, and I lucky traded with a friend on Chespin commday, and got a shundo Ralts that is now my shundo level 50 Gardevoir ready to be mega. I screamed with happiness in the park because she is my first shilucky and one of my favorite Pokémon.