in Sword and Shield during a online battle
ドレインクラウンをオンラインバトル中に使用できるポケモンがついに『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド』に登場しました!『ドレインクラウン』とは、相手のポケモンから体力を吸収することができる特殊な技です。これまでこの技を使用できるポケモンがいなかったため、多くのトレーナーが待ち望んでいました。これで、バトル中に相手のポケモンから体力を吸い取ることができるので、戦略的なバトルを楽しむことができます。是非この新しいポケモンを使って、よりスリリングなバトルをお楽しみください!


Drain Crown’s upside is so underwhelming compared to just about any item it replaces. I haven’t found one mon that I think it works well enough on to equip it. I do hope it gets a buff because right now it’s in the Leftovers/Rocky Helmet/Assault Vest tier for me.
What is Stacking??
I always loved life steal especially dragonite outrage and Greninja water shuriken are the definition of satisfying healing/life steal so seeing the drain crown fail really saddens me.
hey spragels, how do you feel you’ve improved on the game so far recently?
I think people misinterpret the purpose of Drain Crown and Shell Bell. They’re not for sustain in team fights, that’d be broken on several Pokémon. They’re for healing off farming wild Pokémon so you spend less time in base or healing on goal.
Still wondering when are we getting the 3rd Gen starters here in Unite
Should have use Psycho cut as it increased your damage output even with basic attack thus increase the healing by drain crown
I think I used this build but due to my team (I play soloQ) I was unsuccessful.