

“Dominates” it’s a big word: I am actually nullifying Ultra League using PvPoke with purified Charizard (Wing Attack, Blast Burn and Dragon Claw), Cobalion (Double Kick, Sacred Sword and Stone Edge) and Giratina (Shadow Claw, Ancient Power and Dragon Claw), ranking from 1980 points to 2277 in just two days (weren’t for today’s last set of 1 victory in 5 matches because idiotic algorithm I would have been higher). And I am not even someone who studies Pokémon GO to his death! You really have to try that team: Ask The Gods.
It’s so nice ultra league is back, great league was feeling super unplayable
Bruh the Charizards were everywhere when I was running cobalion and cresselia…. As soon as I switched to this squad I didn’t see a charizard first 2 sets all the Drapions came out to play LMAO
Open UL looks so boring.
yo try using charizard coballion and giritina ive been using it and ranked up from 1800 to 2000
Hey try kyurem swampert and creselia
A team filled with 2 Titans and a legendary = 300,000 for moves + lots of raiding, candies, and more stardust money $$.