ポケモンに食べられるポケモン3選 #ポケモン雑学 #ポケモン #雑学 | ポケモンGO動画まとめ

ポケモンに食べられるポケモン3選 #ポケモン雑学 #ポケモン #雑学

ポケモンに食べられるポケモン3選 #ポケモン雑学 #ポケモン #雑学






In Pokémon, there are various types of creatures, but some of them are also edible. As a trivia about Pokémon, here are three of the most famous edible Pokémon.

The first one is Snorlax. It is well-known as a big eater, with one third of its body being its stomach. It can continue eating for hours without getting full. Some people also cook it as a meat dish or a soup in big plates or pots.

The second one is Eevee. Despite its cute appearance, it is famous as a gourmet Pokémon for its tasty meat. In particular, there is a dish called Miracle Meat, which is a famous Eevee-based recipe.

Finally, the third one is Bulbasaur. In certain regions, there is a dish called “Bulbasaur Don” which uses the whole Bulbasaur and cooks it together with vegetables and eggs on top of rice. It is a colorful and healthy dish.

Pokémon have various unique characteristics, and some of them are used as food. Through these dishes, you can also learn about different food cultures and regional specialties. So why not give them a try?
