【ポケモンGO】ホリデーカップ#ポケモンgo #gbl #ホリデーカップ | ポケモンGO動画まとめ

【ポケモンGO】ホリデーカップ#ポケモンgo #gbl #ホリデーカップ

【ポケモンGO】ホリデーカップ#ポケモンgo #gbl #ホリデーカップ


(Holiday Cup is one of the battle leagues held in Pokémon GO. In this league, only certain Pokémon that meet the specific conditions can be used and it is held from December to January for a limited period. Specifically, Pokémon with special costumes such as starter Pokémon, Santa hat Pikachu, and Christmas Pikachu can be used. During this period, you can use Pokémon that are not often used, making it a good opportunity to discover new ways to battle. It is also divided by trainer rank, so beginners to advanced players can participate. Please join and have more fun with Pokémon GO.)
