ラブトロス量産!100%エクセレントのコツを最速紹介! #ポケモンGO #ラブトロス | ポケモンGO動画まとめ

ラブトロス量産!100%エクセレントのコツを最速紹介! #ポケモンGO #ラブトロス

ラブトロス量産!100%エクセレントのコツを最速紹介! #ポケモンGO #ラブトロス

In the popular mobile game Pokémon GO, there is a special type of item called an “Excellent” Love Ball. This item has a 100% catch rate when used on a Pokémon of the same species that is the opposite gender of the player’s Pokémon. Here are some tips to help you quickly obtain a Love Ball and use it effectively.

1. Catch Pokémon of the opposite gender: The first step to obtaining an Excellent Love Ball is to catch Pokémon of the opposite gender of your own Pokémon. This will increase your chances of getting a Love Ball from PokéStops.

2. Spin PokéStops and Gyms: Spin PokéStops and Gyms as much as you can to increase your chances of getting a Love Ball. These items can be obtained randomly from both PokéStops and Gyms.

3. Use a Pokémon with the Pickup ability: Pokémon with the Pickup ability, such as Meowth and Aipom, have a chance of picking up items after a battle. Equip one of these Pokémon in your party to increase your chances of obtaining a Love Ball after a battle.

4. Utilize the Valentine’s Day event: During the Valentine’s Day event in Pokémon GO, Love Balls will have an increased chance of appearing in PokéStops and Gyms. Take advantage of this event to stock up on Love Balls.

5. Use a Razz Berry or Golden Razz Berry: Using a Razz Berry or Golden Razz Berry on a Pokémon before using a Love Ball will increase your chances of successfully catching the Pokémon.

6. Target Pokémon with low catch rates: Love Balls are most effective when used on Pokémon with low catch rates, such as rare and legendary Pokémon. Save your Love Balls for these harder-to-catch Pokémon.

7. Use a Curveball: Throwing a Curveball when using a Love Ball will increase your chances of catching the Pokémon. Practice your Curveball throws to improve your chances of success.

8. Focus on catching the same species: Love Balls will only have a 100% catch rate when used on a Pokémon of the same species as your own Pokémon. Focus on catching multiple Pokémon of the same species to increase your chances of having a successful catch using a Love Ball.

