この動画では、「Hot Air Arena」からの最終カードや最終トレーナーのポケモン、そして隠された宝物を紹介しています。このような新しい情報を通じてポケモンカードゲームの最新情報をお届けしています。


ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
この動画では、「Hot Air Arena」からの最終カードや最終トレーナーのポケモン、そして隠された宝物を紹介しています。このような新しい情報を通じてポケモンカードゲームの最新情報をお届けしています。
3:45 That’s no Buizel.
Where the hell is the news about the team rocket part of the next set. That’s what everyone is waiting for.
ok GLC cards
So weird they print a card without updating the regulation mark, especially when they will just rotate the following year, and in a new set to boot.
The Manectric actually does 40 damage to your benched Pokemon, not the opponents unfortunately. 5:47
Wow, so this set is way smaller compared to Battle Partners… It’ll probably barely miss 100 total cards, no?
Good morning, Ross. Arven’s Toedscool & Arven’s Toedscruel as fighting type Pokémon cards are bad & I wouldn’t play them at all. Then, the water shown after is Floatzel the Pokémon Buizel evolves into & the reprint of PokeCatcher is good. Lastly, Manetric, Mudsdale, Mudbray, & Tauros good early game cards.
I really don’t like how pokemon releases a lot of cards every set that are just absolutely never going to be useful in a standard deck at all. Like the power disparity between good cards and bad cards is just huge