

Aaron your content is so good, really enjoy seeing conceptual breakdowns followed by demonstration, this format will never get old
Why do you cover your wins and losses?
That’s weird.
Glad you’re back Aaron! Hope you like the new city!
And also funny, I was talking about legendaries with a few friends like the day before Lunala won. I specifically said Lunala isn’t used much and only during double restricted
Recently getting back into vgc glad to see your content is still super helpful
i felt that game two meteor beam miss in my soul
that urshifu on game 4 probably doesnt have a speed Ev investment.
Honestly i think Zacian is still a strong underused pokemon in the current format it has great damage output although its a bit inflexible it could fit well into a lot of different team compositions as groudon is less popular nowadays and its typing is only really threatened by Koraidon which could be shredded by a max speed play rough 4x super effective move I think that if people find the right pairings for Zacian it could really make a big comeback
I love how even in a format where we hear how “boring” legends can be, that there’s so much room to be creative and have any Mon put in work.
Aaron have you won anything ? Or made top cuts ?