1. より多くの技を覚えることができる
2. 低レベルのポケモンでも十分なパワーがある
3. タマゴ技や特別な技を覚える可能性がある
4. ポケモンの育成に時間がかからない
Priority moves: Am I a joke to you?
Double kick kinda slaps though
I remember I used a study shedninja set and called me toxic SAID THE LEGENDARY SPAMMER
I love when they’re like “You can’t use cheap strategies if you want to get better” like what tf is their idea of better? More legendaries and higher BP moves? XD
“Cheap strategies” while he uses nothing but legendaries. Okay my guy whatever you say. Just keep playing the game like a 5 year old and eventually you’ll win lol
Cottonee : i’m INVINCIBLE
Will-o-wisp , toxic etc. : are we a joke for u?
Cottonee : u triggered my trap card ( substitute )
Dark type with a status move : u sure that will save u?
It’s kinda crazy, the lower the pokemon health pool is the more it heals from leech seed therefore doing more damage
I’m literally getting people saying they are using ur builds in showdown now. Love the vids dude! Ur making a big name for yourself!
That guy needs to know that moves like hyper voice exist. He also needs to leave the game