

If Pokemon decides to remake Gen 7 with Legends stuff, it has to be about Necrozma.
Seems im not the only one who’s making a game around the best mon
This game would be so much better without classic HMs, still it’s quite a gem tbh
Now this is a true Pokemon Game they need to hire these people who made this ASAP
Idk if you are ever interested in any requests, but a pokemon fan game I love is Pokemon Empyrean, with a long story, levels above 100, new megas, regionals, etc. I was hoping if you ever felt it was interesting enough, itd be amazing to see on your channel
3:00 shat whe fuck did i just see
9:08 I Thought You u Said Kilowog From Geeen Lantern But You Said Quilava And Also I’m A Big Fan Of Your Accent I Truly Love It And Fuck Those Who Don’t. Please Keep Uploading Your One Of My Favorite Poke Tubers Please Continue To Keep Up The Great Work
Evocreo 2 gameplay pls
Zwi ggo zwi ggo ggo (if you love fuecoco in the anime you know.)